Ngobrak abrik android sampe ke akar kayaknya ga ada habisnya gan.Naah maka dari itu macam macam keyboard yang bisa digunakan bermacam macam salah satunya adalah SUPER KEYBOARD ini namanya aja udah SUPER tapi apakah SUPER beneran keyboard ini?? jawabannya adalah ia hehe.Ini dia gan jerohannya keyboard yang atu ini cekidot:
True multi-touch capable
- Enhanced layouts for both phones and tablet devices: includes compact and T9 layouts for phones and split layout for tablets. **Press and hold ?123 key to quickly switch between layouts**
- Themes! Compatible with many keyboard theme format: GO Keyboard, Better Keyboard, etc
- Customizable keyboard background, set your keyboard background to any image you like
- Support many languages, more are coming soon
- Customizable fonts and color, compatible with all font packs on the android market.
- You can also load fonts from your sd card.
- Alien Text: find it under ‘General Setting’ -> ‘Alien Text’
- Enhanced setting, customize your keyboard the way you like it: gesture, keyboard size, user dictionary and sound
What's in this version:
RTL setting - reverse words in suggestions bar for Hebrew and Arabic
- Enhanced layouts for both phones and tablet devices: includes compact and T9 layouts for phones and split layout for tablets. **Press and hold ?123 key to quickly switch between layouts**
- Themes! Compatible with many keyboard theme format: GO Keyboard, Better Keyboard, etc
- Customizable keyboard background, set your keyboard background to any image you like
- Support many languages, more are coming soon
- Customizable fonts and color, compatible with all font packs on the android market.
- You can also load fonts from your sd card.
- Alien Text: find it under ‘General Setting’ -> ‘Alien Text’
- Enhanced setting, customize your keyboard the way you like it: gesture, keyboard size, user dictionary and sound
What's in this version:
RTL setting - reverse words in suggestions bar for Hebrew and Arabic
banyak juga ya gan ?? naah biar ga bosen bosen boleh juga kan make keyboard ini hehehehe ok gan mari kita coba:
mangga gan silahkan dicoba dan jangan lupa tinggalin jejak agan
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