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Breaking News
Senin, 01 April 2013

Adikz VPN

Free Accounts: - may changed every week

username & password as of 3-30-13

1. adikzfreevpn1 - t11spkzt
2. adikzfreevpn2 - xism0yh4
3. adikzfreevpn3 - 7hgxc4wx

>Only UDP Port are Available.

Admin Rules and Regulations:
1. I'll be giving personal accounts later - you will need to pm me to request ( it will be announced if when, don't pm right now )
2. Used this vpn for normal browsing only ( ex, fb, google ,mail ,etc.. )
3. Please avoid downloading copyrighted or illegal videos, software ,musics , etc..
4. Never used this for torrent.
5. just try not to watch youtube videos and not to download big files- so it will not affect our bandwith limits.
6. Never used this vpn in hacking, phishing, or any illegal or bad activity.

IN SHORT _ FOR NORMAL BROWSING Only.You can try my other post VPN here:

Download it directly on the server. ->

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